Category: Musings

  • Amazon Go – Groceries with NO LINES!

    No lines at the grocery store??!! THIS:

  • Farmer’s Engineering

    Farmer’s Engineering



    I was, for much of my life, a perfectionist. Straight lines, even spaces, all nice and tidy. Perfect.    Many years ago, I had the opportunity to help a buddy bring in a wheat harvest after his father had passed. I had never driven a tractor or a combine – both the size of a…

  • The Handle

    The Handle

    klooj some history Arguably from the German : klug or kluge —   smart, clever, sharp, judicious, wise, witty, intelligent; understanding, sensible, balanced; cleverly, wisely, intelligently, judiciously, smartly   In English, the word has come to be defined roughly as: A kludge (or kluge) (/klʌdʒ/, /kluːʒ/, /kluːdʒ/) is a workaround or quick-and-dirty solution that is clumsy,…

  • Stop unwanted phone calls

    Stop unwanted phone calls

    how to stop those annoying, unwanted phone calls. I will flesh this post out but, let me start with saying that I never — ever — answer a phone call from a number I don’t recognize. There are several reasons I have adopted this approach: I don’t have the time I have never had a…

  • One is Not the Loneliest Number

    One is Not the Loneliest Number

    According to Three Dog Night “One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do Two can be as bad as one It’s the loneliest number since the number one“ I couldn’t disagree more. You see, one also has a buddy named zero. The two of them make a potent combination for the two, in varying…